Report Builder - SoftwareReviews

Seasons of the Sea - Vetta Chamber Music

Admin Console Redesign - SoftwareReviews

Thought Model - Info-Tech Research Group

UX Research & User Flow - SoftwareReviews

Thought Model - Info-Tech Research Group

Resource Centre Landing Page - Info-Tech Research Group

Custom Bookmark - Angel Empowerment

Search Revamp UX Research - Info-Tech Research Group

Concert Program - Vetta Chamber Music Society

Insights for Innovation - IDEO U

Branding/ UX Design - Angel Empowerment

Design System - Steeper Energy

Digital ad design - Vetta Chamber Music

Concert Program - Vetta Chamber Music

Virtual Concert - Good Noise Vancouver Gospel Choir

Brand Identity Design - Angel Empowerment

Branding, UX & Web Design - Vetta Chamber Music

Website Redesign - Immigrant Employment Council of BC

Website Redesign - Actsafe

Brand identity and logo design - Angel Empowerment

Luxury Resort Book Design - Villa Eyrie Resort

Brand identity and logo design - Alpina Restaurant

Model Year Ends Sales Campaign - BMW Victoria

xDrive Demo Model Sales Event - BMW Victoria

Valentine's Day Campaign - Maserati of Victoria

Brand Identity Design - Cowichan River Lodge

Website UI/UX Design & Maintenance - VIlla Eyrie Resort

Website Redesign - Steeper Energy

Interactive Online Community - CBC Radio/Canada

Brand Redesign - Villa Eyrie Resort

City Votes 2014 Interactive Map - CBC Radio/Canada

Marcom Assets - Maserati of Victoria

Web banners - Maserati of Victoria

Holiday Campaign - BMW Victoria & BMW Nanaimo

Redesign Website's UI - Social Graces

Newspaper Ads - BMW Victoria

iPhone App Design - Money Plan

Website & UX Design - Divisions Design

Email Campaigns - TWG Tea Canada

Product Brochure Design - TWG Tea Canada

Placard Design - Private Art Collector

Photography Creative Director - Tuscan Spa

Product Photography & Art Direction - TWG Tea Canada

Landscape Photography - Personal

Abstract Painting - Personal

Abstract Painting - Personal

Illustration - Personal

Abstract, Mixed Media Painting - Personal

Digital Ads - Kristen Price

Portrait Photography - Mark Ferris, Violinist

Postcard Design - The Urban Tea Merchant

CD Album Design - Autumn Studios

Promotional Design - The Urban Tea Merchant