Client: Vetta Chamber Music Society
Dates: August - October 2020
Web Design, Front-End Web Dev, Creative Direction, Art Direction, Branding, UI/ UX Design, Product Design

Vetta Chamber Music Society presents high-caliber, engaging and educational chamber music programs showcasing B.C. based professional musicians in collaboration with distinguished guest artists in intimate community-centered venues.

Due to the pandemic, the society was forced to decide how to proceed with their 2020-2021 concert season. The options were to either cancel the season or use some of the allotted budget to redesign all concerts and present them as intimate, online music experiences. This would require a redesign of their brand identity, a digital marketing strategy, and a significant redesign of their current website to make it responsive, modern, e-commerce-ready and multimedia-friendly.

The success of this brand and product redesign requires user experience design to ensure their existing, mature audience can easily adopt the new, yet forced changes and still enjoy the experience of their love of hi-caliber, live chamber music..

Roles and Experience
UX Researcher – Conducted discovery meetings and comparative analysis of similar organizations in the live music industry that are grappling with the same set of pandemic challenges that has shut down all live concerts with large gatherings. Gathered quantitative data from members/ CRM database as well as Mailchimp email campaign analytics. Presented analytic reports to confirm target users. Also conducted online and email polls to survey members on their thoughts on the most valued qualities of a good live music experience. Used the findings to guide the video production of the concerts as well as the UX journey from digital marketing to online ticket sales at the digital box office to ease of access to the actual virtual concert and online artists Zoom chat.

UI/UX – Provided a UX focused visual direction of the brand including rebranding the logo, establishing brand colours, typography and art direction for all visuals that appeals to an audience that expects a refined and elevated experience. Refined existing information architecture road map and improved website's user journeys based on the feedback received about the current website that was described as unprofessional, lacking in brand identity, outdated, not mobile-friendly and lacked e-commerce features.

Graphic Designer - Redesigned marketing deliverables such as digital ads, e-commerce graphics, social media banners and post images, email campaign template and concert programs to adhere to new brand guidelines and create a strong, cohesive brand presence.

Digital Marketing Specialist - Consultant and advisor for all digital marketing strategies to provide UX-based design recommendations and solutions that also met internal stakeholder requirements as well as meet hard delivery dates.

Web Designer – Provided UI/ UX design with rapid, hi-fi prototyping and custom CSS to create a strong brand identity

Deliverables - July 25 - September 15, 2020
Provided a UX-centered digital marketing strategy to support and communicate the brand's mission and vision, to grow brand recognition, to deliver a new, innovative online music experience that has never been done with the society, and to implement new revenue models such as online donations, online sale of memberships and digital box office. Custom designed a template-based, responsive e-commerce website that is polished and professional looking as well as easy for visitors to make a donation or purchase a virtual concert ticket or an annual subscription.  Post-pandemic, this new online music experience can continue to be offered.

Timelines - August - October, 2020
Phase 1 – Discovery, Brand identity exploration
Phase 2 - Comparative analysis, Analyze Qualitative Data
Phase 3 – Summary of UX Research, Ideation
Phase 4 - Present and Validate Design Strategy and Solutions
Phase 5 – Brand and logo design, UI Style Guide, Prototype
Phase 6 – Web Framework Build, Content
Phase 7 – Usability Testing, Debug, Delivery, Iterate
Phase 8 – Support, Training

Within two weeks after the new website launched on September 15th, 2020, combined sales and donations via the new online sales channels went from zero to $7000+. 58 season subscriptions were sold. Upsell feature to encourage users who registered for a free virtual concert worked successfully as over 80% of the registrants made an average $20 donation. First virtual concert was broadcast online from October 8 - 12th, 2020 and the society received overwhelming high praise for the quality of the production, ease of accessibility, and the ability to watch the concert in the comfort of their home multiple times.  We also saw an increase in new, non-local audience members who expressed their deep gratitude to enjoy the society's chamber music as they normally wouldn't be able to attend the concert in person due to their inability to travel or not living in the city of Vancouver.

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